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Ramadan Jalabiya, Silver designs Silk crepe materials
Sleeveless dress with flower embroidery, crepe materials
Dainty loose jalabiya with silver roses embroidery with fur, Nylon materials
Ramadan dress with golden & pink embroidery, Nylon materials
Collar sleeveless dress w/ stones design & belt, A line style, Tulle & Cotton materials
A line dainty dress, with beads & embroidery, Linen materials
Bisht style Jalabiya, with embroidery linen materials
Loose dainty jalabiya, with flower designed linen materials
Dainty with fur Jalabiya, linen materials
A line dainty beaded design dress, linen materials
Pop off shoulder dress with knitted screen on hand linen materials
Bisht type Jalabiya, with golden beads Colored combi linen materials
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